Discover the Story Behind XemailAudit
Hi, I’m Niharika, an email deliverability consultant with 10+ years of experience. Over the years, I’ve worked with 400+ clients, managing multiple domains and sending billions of emails. This journey inspired XemailAudit.
The Problem:
Working with 400+ clients, I noticed most struggled with email outreach basics, often unaware of why their emails failed.
Many issues were simple yet critical, requiring domain knowledge that most lacked.
Hiring specialists wasn’t always feasible for small teams or businesses on a budget.
The Idea:
That’s when XemailAudit was born—a simple, actionable tool to help businesses identify and fix email issues without breaking the bank.
Unlike scattered tools, XemailAudit combines everything in one platform, including real-time spam monitoring.
The Vision
Built from my experience of sending billions of emails, it’s designed for small teams, large agencies, and everyone in between
XemailAudit empowers businesses to optimize email campaigns without relying solely on external experts.
It reflects the same proven practices we use at XGrowth, my email deliverability agency.
Our Team.